Players score dbl-12 Mexican Train by tapping domino images on the screen.
Dominoes ScoreBoard can keep track of players' round scores and total games won for double - twelve Mexican Train dominoes.
The app allows each player to count or tally their remaining tiles after each round by tapping domino images on the screen.
Each player's round score is announced using the Text-to-Speech feature.
The app can record scores for up to 8 players.
Game limits of 0 to 1000 in increments of 50 can be selected.
Player groups can be added / modified / deleted.
The player group used in the last session is remembered so you don't have to pick the players each time you use the app.
The "pro" version Removes Ads and adds the ability to:
- change the domino pip colors to match your domino set
- save your dominoes color scheme (and use as the default color scheme)
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